
KEITH FISK 20, 6'2"

185 lbs, biceps 14", chest 42/43.5", waist 32", thigh 26, hips 37". His home is in Montreal. As you might guess from the portrait above, his favorite sport is football, but he is also quite proficient in swimming, tennis, track and occassionally play almost every sport. He hopes to become an athletic coach.

Photos by Mark-One

Box 32 Lachine, Que-

bec, Canada.

Large photo #NFS-559732. Portrait #NFE-547BV.

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PP SENDS CONGRATULATIONS TO ITS SISTER MAGAZINE, STRENGTH & HEALTH, ON HER TWENTY-FIFTH ANNIVERSARY. Aes-. thetically inclined bodybuilders owe a great debt of gratitude to Strength & Health Magazine which in December will have completed a quarter century of publishing. Strength & Health was one of the first of the bodybuilding books to carry beautiful pictures of male seminudes including completely nude back poses on their cover. The entire physical culture world was outraged when blue noses caused their fine magazine to be banned because of a handsome hand-retouched nude of York Barbell Club Star Stan Stanczyk on their November 1956 cover. For many years they conducted the Strength & Health Leaguers Column which printed pen-pal letters, providing an opportunity for lonely bodybuilders and others to correspond, meet by mail, and often form long-lasting and fruitful friendships. During the war years many of the Leaguers would open their homes wide to servicemen, and in these columns one reads of many blanket invitations. The courage and consideration of the editors in the face of ridicule and criticizm are deserving of our applause, and we hope they will be allowed to continue their helpful publication for many years to come. NEW MAGAZINE MAKES DEBUT: FIZZIQUE 35c is published by the Stanford St George Publishing Co Drawer F Station 4, North Hollywood California, contains the work of Russ Warner, Bob Del Monteque, George Quaintance, and Vulcan (Tony Guyther).








STEVEN WENGRYN of PASSAIC NEW JERSEY whose picture we showed in our Summer 1956 Physique Pictorial, graduated from high school last year (where he was captain of the football team.) For the past year he has been attendinga Military Institute for a ROTC postgraduate course and also schooling in aviation, under a scholarship. arrangement. Last year during the summer he took a long desired trip by plane to Europe and then drove by auto through Austria, Germany and Denmark. When Steven's first pictures were suddenly flashed in the physique magazines, the "uncalled for celebrity" was a bit disquieting as he is a rather reserved and retiring nature. Fan mail by the sackful came in, often from girl's clubs and lonesome maidens. People went so far as to contact the mayor of Passaic to put them in touch with their hero. Soon all the postal clerks in Passaicknew the name

As this book goes to press he is embarking on a tour of Portugal, Spain and France, and he is looking forward to doing modelling with all the great physique photographers of the entire world. By September, he expects to come to Hollywood where arrangements have been made for a screen test with

a major studio. He will also do physique work with the various studios in this area.


In the Fall, he will enroll at the University and will play foot ball of course, and will also take a general business course. Beyong that, his plans for the future are not quite solidified. But he is certain that he will always continue with his physical training. believes in physical training for everybody, boys and girls, men, women and children, because it "steels. their character and keeps them out of mischief ad induces them to lead a clean life.

But for

having a





you to

be very selec-

tive of your ancestors. Since this is

rarely if ever possible, he reminds us that the next best bet

is to selectively pick out the good qualities which our ancestors have "deposited" in us, emphasize the good and suppress those traits which we do not approve.

Steven is the


of soldiers, the first known one settling in the Ukraine when the Swedish army of Charles XII was defeated by Peter the Great in the Battle of Poltava in 1708. His grandfather emigrated to the Pennsylvania coal mines, and there was married by a girl of almost Garboesque beauty because he was the only one of her suitors who would promise to take her back to her homeland. Luckily Steve's father was born in the U.S. shortly

before grandfather's dep could

so that 23 years later he return and enlist against Hitler while his little family (including Steven) had to hide in the Ukrainian woods with the livestock while many near relatives were shot by the Russians in the village square.

Steven's first years in the then (to him) strange land of the United States were not easy. All the family had to work

very hard. Steven became a shoe repairman in Clif-

ton New Jersey, and learned this trade very thoroughly.

Steven Wengryn began his training at the local YMCA, where he was discovered by a famous physique photographer. Ever since then, things have been happening very fast for



This photo of Steven Wengryn is from Vulcan's catalog #32 ($1.) Though Vulin

can was located New York at the time this picture was made, he is now located at 706 North La

Cienega, Los Angeles, Cal. Vulcan is

very eager to obtain




35 Station E, Cine cinnati 19, Ohio, offers two movies of Steven posed with Henry Stenecki, both 16mm. One is 200 ft and costs $16, the other is 150 ft and costs $11.75. The 150 movie is Spectrums Movie Sequence 60, has Steve showing physique. poses to Henry and also the two doing Indian wrestling. The 200 ft movie is Spectrums Sequence #61, shows Steve asleep in bed, getting up, waking up his friend Henry, then shaving showering, drying etc., and going to the recreation room to lift weights with Henry. Posing straps are worn in both movies. Spectrum also offers solo 35mm color slides of Steve and Henry for $6.75. They offer 20 4x5 prints of Steve Wengryn for $4. Send a self-addressed and stamped envelope and they will send free of charge a catalog of their available physique movies, including news of some special discontinued movies which are now being offered at half price. Write personal letters to Steve c/o Spectrum Films. and they will see that he gets the letter.


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